I have sat down and tried to write a blog post countless times in the last two weeks.
I get bits and pieces down and then I get stuck. I can’t get more out. And then I get frustrated and put more pressure on myself which makes me more stuck and it’s a cycle (although isn’t everything?).
But I want to write, desperately. So I thought maybe I’d just say those bits and pieces and allow myself to leave it at that. Because it doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to make sense. I don’t have to be perfect. I don’t have to make sense. Maybe there’s something empowering, powerful, about just being, in my rawest, truest, form. Maybe I will write and maybe it’ll be another two weeks before I can. Maybe it’ll make sense and maybe it won’t. Maybe I’ll lose readers. Maybe it doesn’t matter. Maybe the only thing that matters is that I write when I want to. Even if it’s to say….well, nothing, really. So I’ll keep trying. When I can, and when I want to. And it will….well, it will just be. Whatever it is.
It doesn’t matter if it makes sense or not. I journal when my head gets too full. It releases some of the pressure in my mind and more often than not, brings a bit of clarity to my thoughts. So I say Go for it!
Thanks! I do agree. Just feel hesitant making it public sometimes. I would love to read anything you write, any time you feel like sharing <3
This sounds like a solid plan! Sometimes things just DON’T make sense and trying to make non-sense things sense-things is stressful and overwhelming. And there’s so much freedom in just letting things not make sense.
Keep writing!
Oh my goodness, I am SO in the same place as you right now!